
Oscar Farinetti

Entrepreneur – Founder of Eataly

Visionary and Innovative on the field of Enogastronomy.

The highest-profile representative of Italian wine and food industry throughout the world


Lino Dainese

Entrepreneur – Founder of Dainese SPA

Since 1972 the company is specialized in protective gears for extreme wheel-sports. “We have to intervene in the millisecond, in the blink of an eye…to save lives”. He started from scratch at 20 years old.

In anticipation of NASA’s missions, Dainese has teamed up with MIT to pressurize austronauts without the usual bulky spacesuits.


Augusto Odone

Founder International Myelin Project
Olio di Lorenzo’s Inventor

Economist of the World Bank, together with his wife, Michaela, became famous for discovering a treatment using Lorenzo’s Oil, for their son’s (Lorenzo) incurable illness (adrenoleucodistrophy).

Their story: in the American movie directed by George Miller “Lorenzo’s Oil” (1992), starring Susan Sarandon and Nick Nolte.


Giovanni Bignami

President of the National Institute for Astrophysics
President of COSPAR (worldwide committee for space research)

He stated that we know only 4% of the Universe, while the remaining 96% are “dark matter and dark energy”!

He teaches us how we can learn to “see”…instead of “watching”.


Luca Galimberti

Paralympic athlete Italian Swimming Federation

Affected by adrenoleucodistrophy and another rare endocryne pathology, he takes “Lorenzo’s Oil” not only to survive, but especially to dream.

He rely to the power of the mind to overcome obstacles and his genetic disease.


Andrea Attucci

Conductor, Composer and fine Pianist

He fighted to fulfill his dream to became a pianist and conductor.
He plays piano and conducts internationally.


Guillermo Dominguez


He has an amazing voice and has been invited to perform internationally. He fought whith his asthma to become a tenor.


Paola Mastrocola

Writer and teacher

She taught literature at the high school and she has been carried out an intense activity as a writer, initially of children’s books, then mostly novels.

She has been awarded many times.


Roberto Tarasco


When he was 16 years old he saw the Kubrik’s movie “2001: Space Odissey”, that opened him to the world of the sounds. He has become an expert on scenofony (scenofono: term invented by him).

He works with the famous italian writer Alessandro Baricco and film makers in Italy and abroad.

Professional Dreamers:
  • entrepreneurs
  • students
  • teachers
  • freelancers
  • scientists
  • artists
  • designers
  • technicians
  • engineers
  • psychologists
  • doctors
  • architects
  • musicians
  • filmmakers
  • athletes
  • marketers
  • developers
  • writers
  • inventors
  • researchers
  • singers
  • painters
  • dancers
  • trainers
  • coaches
  • mentors
  • startupper